The effect of feeding systems on feed structure and feed intake of commercial layers

1 September 2017

Results of an independent and extensive study carried out by ABZ Diervoeding show that more selective intake takes place with the chain than with the auger.


“The purpose of the feeding system (chain/auger) is to ensure that the feed is distributed through the house as quickly as possible, providing all animals with a proportional amount of feed. Moreover, it is important that the feed composition calculated by the nutritionist is presented to the animals (across all sections). Selective eating is defined as eating a specific particle size or specific raw materials.

Results of an independent and extensive study carried out by ABZ Diervoeding show that more selective intake takes place with the chain than with the auger. A chain gives the hens ample opportunity to pick coarse particles from the feed. As a result, the average particle size becomes smaller as the feed has traveled a greater distance in the chain. In the case of an auger, this is much more difficult for the hens, so that the effect of selective intake is significantly less (or almost non-existent).

The speed at which the chain moves around during feeding has no or only a very minor effect on the degree of selective intake. The study revealed that occupancy plays a role in determining the degree of selective intake. Hens living at the bottom of the system have access to more incomplete feed than those eating at the top of the house. More selective eating results in the proportion of starch being decreased and the proportion of protein and minerals increased.


It is clear that selective intake can lead to a difference in production results. It can be concluded that selective intake with chains poses the risk of a nutritional imbalance. At Roxell we offer feeding systems with auger. Contact us for more information on the auger feeding systems Bridolay™ for layers and Bridomat™ for broiler breeders.

Read the complete article (Dutch)